Reasons Why Food Truck In Office Park Is A Must!

The traditional office park – a cluster of neutral, boring buildings surrounded by wide parking lots and highways – is dying. Given Millennials’ propensity for walking and express-casual restaurants, a number of American companies are either refurbishing their suburban office parks to simulate an urban environment or uprooting for the city.

Companies want to move to spaces where millennials are located.

In order to make suburban office parks attractive to inherent residents, companies are adding urban amenities, like restaurants, bars, coffee shops, grocery stores, playgrounds, and event spaces.

Google and Facebook’s sprawling offices offer a sign of what the future could look like. The two tech companies are spending millions to build engaging campuses for their employees. At their corporate campuses, there will soon be new advancements that will include stores, eateries, transit stops, and thousands of units of housing.

Related post: Your space is your leverage!

These developments paint a promising picture of what office parks could become: Areas where people are not only able to work, but live, eat, and access transit, too.

The report found that two main factors could predict that level of obsolescence: vicinity to mass transit and access to amenities like lunch and shopping. It’s no accident that fitness-focused and food-savvy millennials share those preferences.

Food Truck In Office Park

A millennial-driven migration

Millennials are inspiring these changes because there are 75 million of them. People between 20 and 36 years old outnumber every other generation and businesses either want to hire them or sell to them (often both).

If you are looking to provide your employees with a convenient and rotating lineup of fresh, delicious food truck eats. Business park lunches are the solution to work sites where food choices are bound. Give your workers the option of amazing food.

Myrsa is a platform where you can monetize your office parks. Food truck in office parks can be a great business prospect for you.

You can list your business parks on the website and rent it out to food truck brands. You can rent out your parks on a temporary basis, for instance, if you need food trucks only for a specific time you can mention it in your profile.

Related post: Spaces for Food Truck Parking

Lunch Right Where You Want It

Searching for the closest food options has come to an end. Bring food trucks to your workplace and create a fun business lunch solution. No need for any permanent infrastructure.

Countless Choices

Satisfying your employees has never been easier. With a network of different brands of food trucks, there is a wide assortment of choices, from healthy and vegetarian options to burgers, tacos and pizza. No one will ever forget their lunch money again.

Food Truck In Office Park

Support Local Business

98% of food trucks are small companies owned or operated by chef-entrepreneurs. Support your community and bring local food trucks to your business park lunch. Parking spaces for food trucks is a huge problem right now and for that, temporary renting space which already has a permit is a better option. If your spaces are listed on Myrsa then the food truck brands can easily find the spaces they like.

A constant footfall in this area is also a great opportunity for them. The office employees strolling in the evenings become great customers for them.

These are the possibilities in your own office park, listing your spaces on Myrsa will get you a step closer to it.

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