What changes will coworkers expect from co-working spaces after lockdown?

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the world and now all of the colleagues who once worked side by side in a vibrant and successful work atmosphere are working from home. For many, coworking is synonymous with a friendly work environment where everyone is a part of a group, and coworkers now confined to their homes desperately lack this group component of coworking.

Although work from home has its own advantages, coworking will continue to expand in the long run as a multi-million – dollar industry that supports start-ups and small business growth.

Of course, there will be a few changes or rather changes in coworking spaces, as expected by companies that are already on the coworking crowd, such as:

Health Screening for new Workspace Joiners

health screening at office

For most companies, like versatile and shared office space providers, the COVID-19 pandemic is sure to be a big hit. As with many other sectors, coworking spaces are unlikely to see clientele growth for the near future.

That being said, the pandemic will be nothing more than a hiccup to the coworking movement ‘s rapid growth and popularity. Until coworking spaces start brimming with new inquiries from small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to join the coworking bandwagon, it won’tbe too long.

After the pandemic subsides, current businesses that will start operating in their coworking room will want new joiners to get proper health screening. So, coworking space providers need to develop a standardized health screening procedure to ensure the wellbeing of all clients.

A Stronger Than Ever Before Focus on Work Environment Hygiene
It almost goes without saying that in terms of maintaining workplace hygiene and sanitation, the coworking spaces are expected to level up.

That is, the office spaces will be littered with sanitizers and tissue boxes. Restrooms are going to be cleaner than ever. Sanitation related coworking policies will need to regularly be revised and new posters will be created to remind coworkers to regularly wash their hands.

Essentially, coworking spaces should become better that will help avoid the spread of all infectious diseases, not just coronavirus.

Regular Free Health Checkups for Coworkers

Most well-established coworking firms go above and beyond establishing a community-like atmosphere in the workplace by regularly organizing networking events, such as breakfast meetups, film screenings, and gaming tournaments where all coworkers can participate.

And from time to time, some of these coworking providers also host free health checkups for all coworkers. Till the start of 2020, free health checkups would’ve been no more than a nice bonus to attract new clients for coworking providers.

But now companies who have signed up for shared space will also expect the coworking service to hold health check-ups to ensure that anyone who uses the workspace is safe. Startups considering moving to coworking spaces can even inquire about certain advantages.

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Extension of Coworking Benefits to Remote Workers

There’s no relief from the fact that the remote working phenomenon is very much on the rise alongside coworking. The coronavirus pandemic will further the remote working trend and it could be expected that coworking spaces will expand the in-house facilities they provide to accommodate remote employees too.

Such virtual office advantages can include setting up a WiFi network for work, a free software subscription, or a nearby gym membership for remote startup workers who mainly operate from the coworking space. However, only time can tell whether coworking spaces are required to expand benefits and facilities to accommodate remote work and whether they are able to do so.

Change in the Office Layout

In addition, when businesses resume operating from coworking spaces, they should expect a guideline on the social distance to be in place within the workplace. This will consist of maintaining at all times a minimum physical distance between colleagues with the aid of a changed office layout and more scattered workstations.

This may also require a strategy that encourages businesses to work in shifts in order to ensure that the coworking room is not brimming with people in close touch.

Related Post: How will Life be After Lockdown?

Final Thoughts

It seems like we’re still very far away from the novel coronavirus’ full resolution but in the long run, given the various advantages of operating in a shared office, coworking as an industry would only boom.
Ultimately, if anything, the pandemic would further boost the coworking spaces and make them safer.

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