Your atrium space is your leverage!

Office Atrium for Rent Cafeterias are all people’s favourite places in an office complex! It’s more of a relaxing zone where officers come to enjoy their much-needed breaks. During the other times of the day, too, there is a fair population in the cafes. Have you thought about the numerous places inside a cafe that... Continue Reading →


That is what Myrsa does, in the simplest form. Every day when we travel from our homes to our offices or take a long walk in the evenings (or morning, for the morning-people), there are certain locations that we have in our minds which denote either a turn or a stop. After reading this article,... Continue Reading →

It’s a win-win!

You see a lot of empty spaces around you. How many different activities do you think are possible there? Here are some ideas you can start thinking with!

Mobile Payments accelerating Pop-ups

1. MOBILE PAYMENTS ACCELERATING THE POP-UP MOVEMENT IN INDIA When I first heard of pop-up shops, I thought they were specialty booksellers. I had no idea how popular the idea of temporary retail spaces would be in the new age of digital commerce, but right away, I realized how mobile tools could help make them... Continue Reading →

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